What is the Test to Treat Initiative?
The Biden-Harris Administration instituted a nationwide Test to Treat initiative that provides faster, easier access to testing and treatment for patients with COVID-19. Test to Treat now allows patients to show up to one location, like your pharmacy, to be tested and treated for COVID-19 when applicable.
Allowing patients to be tested and treated in the same place opens the door to easier access to healthcare and life-saving treatments. Test To Treat is crucial to patients who are at risk for progressing to severe disease because treatment with medications such as Paxlovid and/or Lagevrio should start within 5 days of symptom onset to be effective. However, prescription of these life-saving medications requires a diagnosis of a positive COVID-19 test.
Without the Test to Treat algorithm, the time it takes to obtain a positive test and relay that test to a prescribing doctor for a prescription for medication is on borrowed time. Test to Treat has cut out many unnecessary steps in the prescribing process that otherwise would have delayed patients with COVID-19 from receiving life-saving treatment immediately. Therefore, Test to Treat is a truly revolutionary step forward in improving health equity for sick patients, and you can make healthcare even more accessible by bringing it to your pharmacy.