The #LetUsPrescribe Movement

Finally, the FDA #LetUsPrescribe to save lives

Scripted launched the #LetUsPrescribe movement after the FDA’s initial Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Paxlovid explicitly prohibited pharmacists from prescribing to patients.

After months of advocacy — and support from the pharmacy community — the FDA has finally reversed its stance and allowed pharmacists to prescribe Paxlovid directly to patients. 

Our vision for the future of pharmacy and the #LetUsPrescribe movement


Prescriptive authority can transform the pharmacy into a point-of-care.

We believe that every pharmacy should be a place where people can receive care they need, quickly and at a low cost, even without an existing prescription.


Today, pharmacists are overworked, underpaid, and demanding change.

We believe clinical services can transform the business model of the pharmacy and enable improved conditions for pharmacy workers.


Insurance status, race, gender, income and similar factors can determine who gets care and who doesn't in today's health system.

As a new point of care, we believe the pharmacy can help correct systemic inequities in our health system.

Simple clinical service support for busy pharmacies

Scripted pharmacies make thousands in additional revenue from clinical services.

Start writing scripts from COVID to cold sores in as little as 2 weeks.

Learn more about Scripted >

#LetUsPrescribe at your pharmacy

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